Saturday, June 27, 2009

When you think it won't happen...this is a BIG city people!!!

Time passes by and it drags you with it. Sometimes you'd rather be left behind, sometimes not. Things progress with time just as practice makes perfect and time heals everything. Music progresses too and perspective twits into the next best thing. You see this in the fresh new artists that wam us with their surprising appearances on the red carpets at music award shows.
Skepticism went through all four senior high schoolers as they plunged into the idea of creating a band. Well, why not? Four talented guys, faces not too shabby and an air of's inevitable. Hardwork put into each phrase of lyrics and careful music co-ordinations and they were set to 7 songs. Co-op at D.C Music and then after a few kicks in the recording room and they were set with two shows dated in May with their name on it! There are actually many fresh-out-from-high-school bands that play locally in cute all-ages clubs. As if the concerts held at D.C Music weren't enough, recently at a subway station platform, the lead, let's call him 'Drew', was discovered by a recording studio producer when seen jamming and waiting for his ride. Fancy shmancy pants man wasn't bluffing, he actually was legitamite! 'Drew' looked him up and everything and finally realized: this was the beginning of his music career. That he could actually record songs on an album and have them sold! Went out, had the time of their lives---ON A RED CARPET! At the MMVA's in a private party accompanied by Karl Wolf and a few other artists (I can't remember). Will they become famous? Who knows. Let's just see how it all pans out. Pray please!!!

Dreams really do come true :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

A Tribute/ First Music Visual


It's memory.

My dad has a very strong sense for music. He never tells me but I know that it is one thing he holds in his heart. My dad grew up in the times of real music; blues, soul music, classic rock and mellow tones. He has always liked songs with meaningful lyrics, you would never see him listening to a screamo song by 'alexisonfire.' I grew up inheriting his taste in music and he inspired me to listen to some oldies songs like, Hotel California (The Eagles), Dream a little dream (The Mamas and The Papas: Mama Cass sang it), Crazy for this Girl (Evan & Jaron), Torn (Natalie Imbruglia) and so many more memorable ballads that my dad would listen to nonstop (and sing along). I sang along too, whenever he played Dream a little dream I imagined me almost being a princess walking through a secret garden with white terraces and green canopies trapping me in it's graceful foliage. I thought the personed i imagined was so beautiful and especially when the vision sang, it was perfect. Only I thought of it this way, and only I significantly remembered it.

So that was my first music 'visial' on this blog. Ask me about some songs, I know alot of popular ones. I will probably do another song and incorporate a tribute to a friend in it.

Don't be distant!